Amazing Facts
CompléterGuess the amazing facts and write the numbers with letters.
Numbers in English
Mots CroisésLearn and practice the spelling of the numbers from 0 to 100
Daily Activities
CompléterVocabulary to talk about your daily habits and routines.
Carte InteractivePresentation and practice of the numbers 1-100 in English.
Simple Present Spelling Rules
CompléterAdding -s / -es / -ies
Manuel And Lila's Lifestyle
CompléterPresent Simple Verbs
Using Possessive Adjectives
CompléterComplete the sentences.
Matching questions
Relier ColonnesMatch questions and answers.
Verb Dictation
DictéeListen and write the verbs.
Mots CroisésComplete the sentences. Write the words in the crossword.
Video QuizWhat is the verb "to be"?
Possessive 's
CompléterComplete the sentences.
Being Polite
Relier ColonnesCommon phrases to be polite when using the language.
Spelling names
DictéePractice the alphabet