Daily Routines
Relier ColonnesPractice vocabulary about daily routines
Animals Habitat
Relier ColonnesUne cada animal con su habitat corespondiente
Relier ColonnesMatch commonly used words for both British and American English
Practice Prepositions
Relier ColonnesIn this activity, you must match the preposition with its meaning.
Expressing like and dislike
Relier ColonnesIn this activity you must match the image with the corresponding sentence.
Practice adverbs of frequency
Relier ColonnesRelaciona el % de frencuencia que según corresponga a cada adverbio.
TestThis quiz will help you test your knowledge of the correct use of the present tense in English. Through interactive questions, you will be able to demonstrate your knowledge in the construction of aff...
Find 15 past tense verbs
Practice simple present (Questions)
Ordonner les MotsOrder the sentences in their interrogative form
Personajes del libro Macbeth
Mots CroisésEncuentra los personajes principales de libro Macbeth by Shakespeare
Lengua Materna
Mots MêlésActividad didáctica - paso 3