The weather
Mots MêlésCircle the hidden words to find the vocabulary related to the weather.
Activity 3: Present Progressive. (D)
CompléterPresent Progressive. Complete these sentences with the verbs in parentheses in the correct form. (Completion exercise).
Present Progressive Tense (D)
Froggy JumpsThe PRESENT PROGRESSIVE TENSE indicates continuing action, something going on now.
Present Progressive Practice
Froggy JumpsRead and choose the correct option to answer each question in present progressive.
Animals' abilities
Relier ColonnesLook at the image and match it to the correct animal.
Past Simple Regular and Irregular Verbs.
Froggy JumpsLet's review the Past Tense form of the verbs.
Verb to be sentences (D)
CompléterComplete the sentences using the correct conjugation.
Expressing nationalities (D)
Ordonner les MotsEnglish A1.1
CompléterComplete the exercise using the articles a/an
MCCEE1 Verb to be
CompléterClick the options to complete the sentences using the verb be.
MCCEE-4 expressing future
Froggy JumpsExpressing future arrangements, intentions, offers, and promisses using Present Continuous, future will, future going to.
MCCEE - 4 Present Continuous
CompléterComplete the text using the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.