Present Simple Tense game!
Relier ColonnesStudents have to match the correct Pronoun with the corresponding sentence taking into account if the first, the second and the third person learned which affect the verb form.
Frequency of Adverbs
TestLearners will demonstrate their knowledge and comprehension of the topic explain in the class through that digital activity. Where they pay attention to the sentences and think what is the function to...
Pronouns time!
Mots RouletteWrite the correct pronoun for each sentence.
This game were designed for children from elementary school to verify if they understood the answer through a close-question.
Nouns in the world
Froggy JumpsLearners have to respond the correct answer, otherwise, the frog will fell on the water.
Let's to figure out the Nouns together!!
Relier ColonnesCan you find out the correct nouns with the category:person, place and thing
Learners will have to find out the images according to the three nouns' categories: Person, Thing and Place.
Natural places to visit in Colombia
Mots CroisésRead the clues, and try to analyze what is the correct word.
Natural places in Colombia
CompléterThe descriptions of the natural places in Colombia must be assign an adjective to be complete.
Making the distinctions between people.
Relier ColonnesMatch the correct adjectives according to the sentences.
Find out the images with the corresponding word.
Favorite Activities
Froggy JumpsIt's a review of the topic explained in the las three sessions to verify the comprehension in their students.
Descriptions of people through Questions
Ordonner les MotsIt's an activity that looks reinforce and make a little review of the topics given in the class.
Derechos humanos
Mots MêlésLos estudiantes del grado 11, de una escuela pública encontrarán palabras relacionadas a los temas de los artículos que aprenderán en esta lección de manera dinámica con el fín de hacerles una introdu...
El Rey Burgués
Mots CroisésSe van a realizar preguntas acerca del cuento recién escuchado.
We don't talk about Bruno
Mots CroisésIn this game, students are able to guess the song words with the intention to learn new vocabulary.