Regular Verbs
Relier ColonnesMatch the verbs with the past.
How much and how many
Video QuizWatch the video and decide the answer.
Vocabulary of space
Mots CroisésMatch the words.
Mots CroisésWrite the word
Food vocabulary
Relier ColonnesMatch with a line.
MemoryCompare the verbs with the picture.
Vocabulary of clean hands
Mots MêlésSearch the five words
La planta
Video QuizMirar el video
Basura digital
MemoryA partir de las siguientes imàgenes ¿Cuàl considera basura electrònica?
Technology in my life
Video QuizWatch the video and anwer the questions
Verbs for keep healthy
Mots Croiséswrite the meaning of the next verbs
Mots MêlésSearch some conecctors
Past verbs
Mots MêlésFind past verbs
Present progressive
Video QuizWatch the video and answer the questions.