Sentences challenge
Mots CroisésChange the sentences to the topic it says.
Super verb challenge
Mots CroisésChange the verb to the form it says.
Present continuous
Mots Croiséschange the sentences to present continuous
Verb forms
Mots CroisésChange the verbs to the form the arrow says.
Simple past vs Simple present
Mots CroisésChange the sentences you find from past to present, or present to past
E/ES Verbs
Mots CroisésChange the verbs to the S/ES form.
Verbs in past
Mots CroisésChange the verbs to their past forms
Mots CroisésWrite the S/ES forms of each verb
Simple Present
Mots CroisésChange sentences from present continuous to simple present
Mots CroisésChange the sentences to suggestions with SHOULD. for negatives use full form.
Could forms
Mots CroisésChange the sentences to could affirmative or negative. Use full forms
The tenses
Relier ColonnesMatch the sentences with their correct tenses
present continuous
Mots Croiséschange the sentences to present continuous
simple future
Mots Croiséschange the sentences to simple future.
Transportation Means
Mots Mêléssearch all the transport means
Simple past sentences
Mots Croiséschante the sentences to simple past
ing verbs
Mots Croiséschange the verbs to ing form
participle verbs
Mots Mêlésfind the participles
Simple future affirmative
Mots Croiséschange the sentences to simple future affirmative
Mots CroisésChange the sentences to negative
Mots CroisésChange the next verbs to ING
Mots CroisésChange the sentences to present continuous
Sea animals
Mots MêlésFind all the sea animal
House furniture
Mots MêlésFind the pieces of furniture
Simple Past
Mots CroisésChange the sentences to simple past