Multiple option answers
Travel and Trips Quiz
Froggy JumpsTest your knowledge about travel and trips with this quiz game!
Complete sentces:
CompléterComplete the senteces, remember that the last two sentences you’ll must use contraptions.
Travel Vocabulary Matching Game
Relier ColonnesTest your knowledge of travel vocabulary with this fun matching pairs game!
Listening Strategies Matching Game
Relier ColonnesTest your knowledge of bottom-up and top-down listening strategies with this fun matching game!
Listening Skills Crossword
Mots CroisésTest your knowledge of different types of listening skills with this crossword puzzle!
Palabras polisemicas
Mots Mêlésbusca las palabras polisemicas en la sopa de letras.
TestReconocer por medio de ejercicios prácticos el concepto de semántica.