Relier ColonnesMatch the opposite adjectives
Being Eco-friendly
Relier ColonnesMatch the picture with the correct term
Simple Past
Ordonner les MotsUnscramble the words to form the sentence in simple past
Customer Service
Mots MêlésFind the words related to customer service
Ordonner les LettresUnscramble the verbs
Parts of the House
Mots CroisésIdentify the parts of the house according to the description given
Health Problems
Ordonner les LettresUnscramble the health problems
Present Perfect
Mots CroisésFind the past participle of the verbs
Verb Be
Ordonner les MotsUnscramble the sentences
Expressions with take
Relier ColonnesMatch the picture with the expression
Sports Equipment
Mots MêlésFind the words related to sports equipment
Mots MêlésFind the words related to environment
Ordonner les LettresUnscramble the places
Sports and Fitness Activities
Mots CroisésIdentify the sport or activity through the picture
Mots MêlésFind the adverbs
Family Members
Mots MêlésFind the family members
Mots CroisésGuess the job through the picture given
Travel Vocabulary
Ordonner les LettresUnscramble the words related to traveling
Mots CroisésGuess the nationalities
Relier ColonnesMatch the name of the country with its flag
What do you do?
Mots CroisésIdentify the job according to the description given
Illnesses and Injuries
Mots MêlésFind the words related to illnesses and injuries
Compound Adjectives
Relier ColonnesMatch the two parts of the compound adjectives
Relier ColonnesMatch the word with the definition
Mots CroisésFind the past tense of the verbs
Mots MêlésFind the words related to pollution
Mots MêlésFind the words related to housework
Ordonner les LettresUnscramble the movies
A, An, Some, Any
Froggy JumpsSelect the correct option for each sentence
Vocabulary about jobs
Ordonner les LettresUnscramble the jobs
Matching exercise
Relier ColonnesMatch the sentences with the picture
Simple past
Ordonner les LettresUnscramble the verbs in the past
Vocabulary about work
Mots MêlésFind the words related to work
Mots CroisésRead the description and try to find the places
Ordonner les LettresTry to discover the movie
Froggy JumpsGuess the correct type of imperative
Physical Pain
Mots MêlésFind the words related to physical pain
Like+ Gerund/Infinitive
Froggy JumpsSelect the correct option that completes the statements
Leisure Activities
Relier ColonnesMatch the pictures with the activities
Parts of the body
MemoryMatch the picture with the words
MemoryMatch the preposition with the picture
Mots MêlésFind the months of the year
Mots MêlésFind vocabulary related to geography
Irregular Verbs
Mots MêlésFind the irregular verbs in the past
Different Jobs
Mots CroisésIdentify the jobs through the descriptions provided
Froggy JumpsSelect the correct future tense
Parts of the house
Mots CroisésFind the words about parts of the house
Mots MêlésLook for the words related to job interviews
MemoryMatch the picture with the definition
Present Continuous
Mots CroisésFind the verbs in present continuous
Mots CroisésFind the words
What would you do?
TestSelect the better option for each situation
Customer Service Vocabulary
Ordonner les LettresFind the words related to customer service
Call Center Vocabulary
Froggy JumpsSelect the correct answer for each question
What´s this?
TestGuess the objects.
Mots MêlésFind the five hidden words
School Vocabulary
Mots MêlésFind all the words possible
Mots MêlésTry to find the words related to food
Mots MêlésLocate the words related to family
Finding the toys
MemoryFind the pair for each toy