Relier Colonnes
Hospital departaments
Relate each of the images according to the appropriate hospital department
Medicine first aid kit
Find in the following memory game the objects of the first aid kit and be one of the first three places :)
Relier Colonnes
Memory game education
Find in this memory game the school objects according to their name and image
Relier Colonnes
Relates the name of each of the school materials to its image. Success and have fun learning.
Memory game farm animals
Find and relate the written names of farm animals to the names heard in the audios.
Memory game pets
Find in this memory game the name that appears of each animal and look for its image until all the pairs are formed.
Memory game Zoo Animals
Below you will find in the memory game the description of each of the zoo animals. Learn by playing
Relier Colonnes
Farm animals
Listen carefully to each of the audios and relate them according to the name of the corresponding animal, Luck and learn by playing.
Relier Colonnes
Find and relate the name of each of the animals according to their respective characteristic. Success and have fun learning.
Relier Colonnes
Marine animals
It then relates the columns of each of the names of marine animals to their image. success and fun