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Wood 32 Paper
Put in order these stages about the process of making paper. Technology in secondary school for Spanish speakers
Carte Interactive
Wood 18 Hardwood vs Softwood M
Technology in secondary school for spanish speakers
Processes questions
Questions related to the processes of technology. Technology for spanish speakers in secondary school
Quote considerations
Complete this sentence. Technology for spanish speakers in secondary school.
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Set in order the phases II
Set in order (1st, 2nd ,3rd , 4th …) the tasks needed to hang a picture. Technology for spanish speakers in secondary school
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Set in order the phases
Set in order (1st, 2nd ,3rd , 4th …) the tasks needed to replace the heel of a shoe. Technology for spanish speakers in secondary school
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Stages of the tech.process
Set in order the stages of the technological process Technology for spanish speakers
Objects conditions
Conditions necessary for objects to work correctly. Technology for spanish speakers
What of the following characteristics does an object need to satisfy for the needs below? Technology for spanish speakers in secondary school
Mixture of objects
Imagine you combine some parts of different objects. What would you make? Technology for spanish speakers in secondary school.
Adjectives from nouns
What are the adjective forms of the following nouns? Technolofy for spanish speakers in secondary school
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Technological objects (uses)
Why are these objects used for? What did we use in the past (before these objects existed) for the same needs? Technology for spanish speakers in secondary school.
Need/Problem = Good/service
Examples of technological objects that are used to satisfy needs or solve problem. Technology for spanish speakers in secondary school.
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Needs and objects
Why do we need the following objects? Are there other objects that satisfy the same need? Technology for spanish speakers in secondary school.
What is technology? Definition
Technology makes our life easier so that's why it is very important to know its definition. Technology for spanish speakers in secondary school.
Plastics VI ThP-TS-E
Technologies for spanish speakers Classification of plastics depending on their thermal behavior
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Plastics V Recycling stages
Technologies for spanish speakers Set in order the stages to recycle plastic throughout the mechanical process.
Technologies for spanish speakers Materials and their properties
Properties of Materials IX
Technologies for spanish speakers Materials and their properties
Properties of Materials VIII
Technologies for spanish speakers Materials and their properties
Properties of Materials VII
Technologies for spanish speakers Materials and their properties
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Properties of Materials VI
Technologies for spanish speakers Materials and their properties
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Properties of Materials V
Technologies for spanish speakers Materials and their properties
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Properties of Materials II
Match these cells to create a sentence related to the properties of materials
Raw Materials VI (RM,M,MG)
Classification into raw materials, materials and manufactured goods.
Put the following raw materials in the correct group according to their origin