Idioms mainly sailing
Froggy JumpsComplete the idiom - revision
Verb 'be' revision
Froggy JumpsRevising 'be' short answers
Different questions for Anina
Froggy JumpsQuestions with have, do and are
Different questions for Mengmeng
Froggy JumpsQuestions with have, do and are
Relier ColonnesIt's sunny, it's raining
Grammar check present simple
RelierHave you got / Can you / Are you / Do you revision
Matching as revision of words covered
Colours and things (D)
RelierLearners have to categorize two groups of things (recognising the words that have been learnt in previous lessons)
Parts of the body
Carte InteractiveParts of the body
Rooms colours and things
RelierLearners have to categorize three groups of things (recognising the words that have been learnt in previous lessons)