PT5 U2 Get connected vocabulary
The words in capital letters belong in other sentences. Put the words where they belong.
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PT8 U8 Get Connected vocab
What sentence is next? Match the sentences on the left with the sentences on the right
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C4U10LC 1A
Match the questions and expressions. Which expression can you use when someone...
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C1 U3 LA grammar (D)
choose the correct possessive adjective to complete the sentences
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C5 U2 LC - I'm not really into it
Organise the dialogues in the correct order to form a conversation.
Checking expressions
Who says what? Identify the dialogues the concierge say and the ones Maria says.
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C6U5LD - Teenage years 2
Match the questions of the interview with the suitable answer
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C6U5LD - Teenage years 1
Match the questions of the interview with a suitable answer
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C6 U5 LA - childhood
Organise the dialogues in the correct order to form a conversation.