Fundations Unit 12 Unscramble
Ordonner les LettresStudents will need to unscramble their Fundations Unit 12 words.
Fundations Unit 12 Word Search
Mots MêlésStudents will need to location their Unit 12 words within the search.
Fundations Unit 12 Frogger
Froggy JumpsStudents will need to jump towards the correct spelling of each Fundations word.
Spelling Wordsearch #12
Mots MêlésStudents will need to find their spelling words within the search.
Spelling Unscramble #12
Ordonner les LettresStudents will need to unscramble their spelling words.
Spelling Unscramble #11
Ordonner les LettresStudents will need to unscramble their current spelling list.
Spelling Wordsearch #11
Mots MêlésStudents will need to locate their spelling words within the search.
Spelling Froggy #9
Froggy JumpsStudents need to help the frog get to the other side.
Spelling Unscramble #9
Ordonner les LettresStudents need to unscramble their words and spell them correctly.
Spelling Word Search #9
Mots MêlésStudents need to locate their spelling words within the search.
Spelling Unscramble #8
Ordonner les LettresStudents will use their spelling words to spell the words correctly.
Spelling Wordsearch #8
Mots MêlésStudents will search for their spelling words.
Spelling Froggy #8
Froggy JumpsStudents will need to use their spelling list to guide the frog to the other side.
Spelling Froggy Jump
Froggy JumpsStudents need to help the frog across by pressing on the correct spelling of their spelling words.
Spelling Unscramble #7
Ordonner les LettresStudents need to use their current spelling words to help them unscramble words.
Spelling Word Search #7
Mots MêlésStudents need to find their current spelling words within the search.
Spelling Froggy #6
Froggy JumpsStudents need to help the frog by guiding him to the correct spelling on the lilypads
Spelling Unscramble #6
Ordonner les LettresStudents will need to unscramble their spelling words
Spelling Word Search #6
Mots MêlésStudents need to locate their spelling words within the search
Froggy Spelling #5
Froggy JumpsStudents will need to identify the correct spelling of each word based off their spelling list.
Spelling Unscramble
Ordonner les LettresStudents will use their current spelling list to unscramble the words.
Spelling Word Search
Mots MêlésStudents will use their new spelling list to locate their words within the search.
Vocabulary List #2 Matching
Relier ColonnesStudents will need to match the vocabulary term to its definition
Spelling Word Unscramble #4
Ordonner les LettresStudents will need to unscramble their spelling words
Spelling Word Search #4
Mots MêlésStudents will need to find their spelling words within the search.
Spelling List 3 Froggy Jump
Froggy JumpsStudents need to select the correct spelling to help froggy across.
Spelling List 3 Unscramble
Ordonner les LettresStudents will need to unscramble their spelling words.
Spelling List 3
Mots MêlésStudents will need to locate their spelling words inside the word search.
Spelling List 2 Word Search
Mots MêlésStudents will need to search for their spelling words for this week.
Spelling List 2
Ordonner les LettresStudents will need to unscramble the digraph/blend spelling words.
Trick Word Unscramble
Ordonner les LettresUnscramble all 30 of the Fundations trick words
Spelling List 2
Ordonner les LettresUnscramble the spelling words
Spelling List 1
Ordonner les LettresUnscramble the spelling words
Vocabulary Unit 5.5
Froggy JumpsHelp the frog get to the other side by finding the term that goes with the definition
Vocabulary Words Unit 5.5
Mots CroisésType the correct term to its definition
Vocabulary Words Unit 5.4
MemoryFind the word that matches with the correct term.
Vocabulary Words Unit 5.4
Mots MêlésFind the hidden vocabulary terms
Vocabulary Unit 5.4
Froggy JumpsHelp Frogger get across the water by selecting the word that corresponds to the definition.
Vocabulary Words Unit 5.4
Mots CroisésWriting the word with that corresponds to its definition
Drama Terms
Mots CroisésStudents will read the definitions and insert the word that they believe to be correct into the crossword.
Students will be adding single digit numbers together.
Students will be adding using single numbers.
Multiplication Matchup
Relier ColonnesStudents will need to match the multiplication problem with its answer.