Profesiones y nacionalidades
Clasifica las siguientes palabras en profesiones y nacionalidades
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Informal or slang words and expressions
Read and follow the instructions- American English Files 4, Unit 5A
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How to eat an elephant
Look at the highlighted words and phrases and try to figure out their meaning. Match the definitions to the words.
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Adventure sports-fun or too risky?
Read the blog post again and complete it with the linking expressions from the list
Carte Interactive
TV in the 1970s
Complete the text about TV in the 1970s with the correct form of used to
Relier Colonnes
Culture Business
You are going to watch an interview with Michael Dickmann, an expert in cultural differences in business. Before you watch, match words and phrases to definnitions
Future Perfect & Continous
Look at the highlighted verbs in the predictions. Whic ones refer to ...?
Carte Interactive
Phrases with prepositions: Likes & Dislikes 3
Complete the sentences with one word
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Phrases with prepositions: Likes & Dislikes
Complete the sentences with the prepositions in the box.
Carte Interactive
Languages Fun Fact
Complete the questions and answers with the correct form of "there is/are"
Ordonner les Mots
Adverbs and Adverbial Phrases
Order the words to make sentences. Put the adverb in its usual position
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Fifty Word Stories
Read the four fifty-word stories, using the glossary to help you. Match each one to it's title.
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Possessive Adjectives and Have
Complete the text with possessive adjectives and the correct form of the verb "have"
Phrasal Verbs air travel
Complete the sentences with a phrasal verb from the list in the past tense.
Froggy Jumps
Travel, trip or journey?
Complete the sentences with travel (verb or noun) trip or journey
Carte Interactive
Positive & negative adjectives
Match the positive adjectives in bold in the text to the adjectives with the opposite meaning.
Relier Colonnes
Watch the video about the HUB and the interview with Anna Levy who works there. As you watch, number the parts of the video in the correct order 1-5
Relier Colonnes
Shared Worskpace
Before watching the video, match the words and phrases from the video to definitions
Relier Colonnes
Updating and delegating tasks
Look at the expressions from the meeting. Listen again and number the expression 1-12 in the order you hear them
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Verb Phrases
Look at the highlighted verb phrases and match them with their meaning.
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Exchanging Contact Details
Complete 1-6 in the conversation with the questions provided
Ordonner les Mots
Exchanging Contact Details
Put the words in the correct order to make questions in a phone conversation.
Carte Interactive
Present Perfect Simple & Cont
Read and follow the instructions. Use contractions where possible.
Relier Colonnes
Work-life Balance Vocab
Look for compound words in the text and match them to the definitions.
Meet the students.
Watch some extracts from the video. Complete the sentences with words from the list.
Carte Interactive
Present perfect simple and con
Listen again and fill in the blanks with a verb in the present perfect simple or present perfect continuous
Carte Interactive
Illnesses and conditions
Complete the dialogues between the patients and the doctor.
Carte Interactive
Verb be (plural) we, you, they
Read and follow the instructions. English Files Beg
Carte Interactive
Verb be (plural) we, you, they
Read and follow the instructions. English Files Beg
Present Simple & Continuous
Complete the sentences with the present simple or the present continuous form of the verbs in parentheses.
Present Simple & Continuous
Listen again and type in the missing verbs in these sentences.
Carte Interactive
Read again and select the paragraphs to the texts American English Files 2
Carte Interactive
have to, must, can +&-
Read and follow the instructions. American English Files 2.
Carte Interactive
Don't stop me now
Listen to the song, verse by verse, and fill in the blanks with a phrase from the previous exercise. Some of them are used more than once.
Carte Interactive
Don't stop me now Vocab
Read and follow the instructions. American English Files 2
Relier Colonnes
Uses of Gerund III
Match the sentence beginnings and endings. American English Files 2
Mots Croisés
Compound Adjectives
Complete the sentences with the compound adjectives formed from the words in parentheses. American English Files 4
Relier Colonnes
Booking a table
Match the questions in the conversation to the answers. English Files Beg
Carte Interactive
Auxiliary verbs Practice
Read and follow the instructions. American English Files 4
Generalizing & Specifying
Match all the words to the corresponding category. Business Results Int
Adjectives & Nouns
Complete these sentences with the correct form of a word from the previous exercise.
Carte Interactive
Adjectives & Nouns
Complete the table of personal qualities with adjective forms and noun forms.
Carte Interactive
Here are some nominations for employee of the month. Match and adjective from the newsletter to descriptions. Business Results Int.
Carte Interactive
What color are our dreams
Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Use contractions where necessary.
Review of verb forms
Look at the sentences and match them to the corresponding time. American English Files 2
Relier Colonnes
Recurring dreams II
Listen again and match the interpretations with the dreams. American English Files 2
Relier Colonnes
Recurring dreams
Listen to a radio program about recurring dreams. Number the dreams in the order you hear them. American English Files 2
Relier Colonnes
An Expensive lesson
Read the text. Number the sentences in the right order. American English Files 2
Strange Questions
Listen to five people talking about a strange question they were asked in job interviews. Complete the questions.
Ordonner les Mots
Dealing with questions
Put the words in the correct order to make questions and sentences.
Relier Colonnes
Explaining a process
Listen again and number these expressions in the correct order 1-8
Carte Interactive
Will/Won't for predictions II
Read and follow the instructions. American English Files 2. U6
Carte Interactive
Will/Won't for predictions
Read and follow the instructions. American English Files 2. U 6A
Carte Interactive
A pessimist Says
Look at the phrase book app. Read the "You Say" phrases. Then match the "A Pessimist Says" response. American English File 2. U 6
Carte Interactive
Most Common interviews m. II
Look at the highlighted words and phrases in the text and try to figure out their meaning. Match them to the definitions.
Carte Interactive
Most Common interviews mistake
Read the article quickly and match the titles to the paragraphs.
Friendly intonation
Listen and complete the questions. Then listen and repeat. Copy the rhythm.
Verb be singular II
Complete the conversations with the correct form of be. Use contractions where possible.
Multi-word verbs
Complete the sentences with the correct multi-word verbs from the previous exercise
Carte Interactive
Fifth Avenue Shopping
Read the text again. Match the hightlighted words to their meanings.
Relier Colonnes
Problems Conversation II
Listen again and number the sentences in the order you hear them (1-8)
Relier Colonnes
Problems Conversation
Listen again and number the sentences in the order you hear them (1-8)
Carte Interactive
Song: Nobody does it better
Listen to the song and fill in the blanks with the missing words
Carte Interactive
Words & Phrases to learn
Complete the conversations with a word or phrase from the list.
Carte Interactive
Relative Pronouns IV
Complete the conversation with the correct relative pronouns.
Carte Interactive
Relative Pronouns Explanation
Complete the "Language Point" explanations with the relative pronouns seen before.
Relative Pronouns
Listen again and complete sentences 1-6 with the relative pronouns from the list.
Comparative Adjectives and Adverbs
Complete the sentences with the correct comparative form of the adjective/adverb
Comparative Adjective/Adverb
Write sentences with a comparative adjective or adverb + than.
Relier Colonnes
A transportation innovation
You are going to watch two videos about transport and innovation. Before you watch, match words and phrases from the video to the definitions
Carte Interactive
We're living Faster, but ...
Read an article about living faster and match the headings to the paragraphs
Carte Interactive
If you love somebody... song
Read the song lyrics. Then listen to the song and complete each verse with the correct verbs.
Relier Colonnes
Presenting New Ideas IV
Number the lines of the final part of the presentation in the correct order.
Carte Interactive
Presenting New Ideas III
Complete the introduction to a presentation with a suitable word.
Relier Colonnes
Presenting New Ideas
Number the expressions from the team leader's introduction in the correct order.
Present Perfect or Simple Past
Complete the dialogue with the present perfect or simple past.
Ordonner les Lettres
Innovation Vocabulary
Unscramble the letters to make words that match the definitions
Carte Interactive
Present Perfect yet already 2
Read and follow the instructions. Use contractions for negatives.
Relier Colonnes
Your online life permanent 2
Match the words from the two columns to create collocations.
Carte Interactive
900 New words in 3 months
Look at the highlighted words. What do you think they mean?. Match them to the definitions given.
Carte Interactive
Complete the useful expressions with these words. Then listen and repeat.
Carte Interactive
Defining Relative Clauses III
Complete the definitions with who, that, or where and the correct form of a verb in the list.
Carte Interactive
An informal Email
Read the email from Mrs. Barnes and complete it with the following expressions.
Relier Colonnes
Sounding Friendly
Number the dialogue in the correct order. Then listen and repeat the sentences. Copy the rhythm.
Mots Mêlés
Email Styles Vocabulary
Formal and Informal Vocabulary + email symbols Source: Business Results