Practicing time
MemoryStudent will try to choose the correct image with the correct sentennce.
Practicing vocabulary and grammar
Froggy JumpsStudent will practice what they learned by praticing the vocabulary and the grammar struture.
Practicing time
CompléterComplete the spaces with the misses words
Listening activity
Froggy JumpsStudents will listen a conversation, after that they will answer some questions.
True and False
TestStudent will read the paragraph, then they will read the statement and will choose if it is true or false.
Questions activity
Froggy JumpsAfter reading the paragraph students will answer this couples of questions.
Breaking the ice
MemoryStudents will look for the image and the sentence until finding all pairs.
Find the image
MemoryStudents will choose the correct image with the correct word of sentences .
Find the image
MemoryStudents will choose the image with the correct sentence.
Checking what I learned
MemoryYou will choose the correct sentences with the correct image.
find couples
Memorystudent will choose two images and they will try to find all the couples