Evaluación formativa
Froggy JumpsEl alumno pondrá a prueba sus aprendizajes
Present Perfect
CompléterThe student will his/her knowledge acquired before in class about Present Perfect.
Present Perfect Unscramble
Ordonner les MotsTest your knowledge of Present Perfect with this fun word game!
Froggy JumpsThe Student will learn how to use correctly the verb to be in past simple.
Ordonner les MotsThe student will learn how to use correctly the verb to be in past simple tence.
CompléterThe student will learn how to use correctly the verb to be in simple past tense.
Action words
Relier ColonnesThe students will match the pics with their actions
Subject and Object Pronouns
Froggy JumpsEl alumno aprenderá a diferenciar entre Pronombre Sujeto y Pronombre Objeto, cuándo es que cada uno de ellos se implementa.
Object Pronouns
Froggy JumpsDurante esta actividad pondrán aprueba lo que han aprendido acerca de los Pronombres Objetos y el uso adecuado de estos mismos.
Freinet y Decroly
Froggy JumpsEn esta actividad pondrás aprueba lo aprendido durante la exposición.
There is There are Quiz
Froggy JumpsTest your knowledge about the usage of 'There is' and 'There are' in English.
Verb To be
Froggy JumpsDemuestra tus conocimientos sobre el verbo to be y los pronombres personales con este juego de preguntas.
Quiz de Posmodernidad
Froggy JumpsDemuestra tus conocimientos sobre el tema de la posmodernidad con este divertido quiz.
Demonstrative Pronouns
Froggy JumpsTest your knowledge on demonstrative pronouns with this quiz game!
Possessive Pronouns
Froggy JumpsTest your knowledge of possessive pronouns with this quiz game!
Ordonner les LettresThe student will test his/her knowledge about spelling
Past Continuous
CompléterThe students will test their knowledge about past progressive
Telling the time
Froggy JumpsThe student will test his/her knowledge about the clock.
Froggy JumpsWith this activity the student will test his/her knowledge about adjectives.
Past Simple
Froggy JumpsThe student will test his/her knowledge about past simple.
Personal Pronoun
Froggy JumpsThe Student will test their knowledge about how to use the personal pronouns.
Verb To be
Froggy JumpsThe student will learn how to use the verb to be in a correct form.
Phrasal Verbs
Ordonner les LettresThe students will test their knowledge about phrasal verbs
Phrasal Verbs
Mots MêlésThe Students will search some phrasal verbs in a word sea.
Phrasal Verbs
Froggy JumpsThe Student will test his knowledge about Phrasal Verbs.
Phrasal Verbs
Relier ColonnesIn this activity the student will test their knowledge about daily phrasal verbs.
Phrasal Verbs
Froggy JumpsIn this activity, the students will test their knowledge about some daily phrasal verbs.
CompléterWrite the correct article
Present Simple
Test. Make the present simple. Choose positive, negative or question.
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct name for each picture.
Listening Comprehension
Froggy JumpsThe student will hear 3 tracks and will answer the questions after that
Countable & Uncountable Nouns
Froggy JumpsIn this activity the student will test his/her previously knowledge acquired.
In this exercise the student will test his/ her previously knowledge acquired.
Determiners for countable and uncountable nouns
Froggy JumpsIn this topic the student will test his/her previously knowledge acquired about the topic.
Froggy JumpsIn this activity the students will test his/her previously knowledge acquired
"Never" in Front Position + Inverted Subject for Focus
Ordonner les LettresIn this activity the student will test his/her previously knowledge acquired.
Phrasal Verbs With No Object
Relier ColonnesIn this activity the student will test his/her previously knowledge acquired
Phrasal Verbs With No Object
Froggy JumpsIn this activity the student will test his/her previously knowledge acquired.
Place Prepositions.
Froggy JumpsIn this activity the student will test his/her previously knowledge acquired.
Some and Any
Froggy JumpsIn this activity the student will test his/her previously knowledge acquired.
Simple Prepositions.
Relier ColonnesIn this activity the student will test his/her previously knowledge acquired.
Simple Prepositions.
CompléterIn this activity the student will test his/her previously knowledge acquired.
Complex Noun Phrases
Relier ColonnesIn this topic the student is goint to test his/her previously acquired knowledge about Complex Noun Phrases.
Quantify Pronouns: Some & Any
Froggy JumpsEsta actividad ayudará a que el alumno reconozca cuándo utilizar de manera correcta los pronombres de cantidad Some y Any
Parts of human body
Mots CroisésRemember the name of the part of human body.
English test
Mots CroisésRead the questions and try to answer it.