
Son jeux

Changer le mode d'affichage de l'activité
  • Video Quiz
    Video Quiz

    Royal wedding

    Students will remember family and friends' relationship by using possessive adjectives.

  • Mots Croisés
    Mots Croisés

    Different jobs

    Students will write some jobs by reading their descriptions.

  • Mots Mêlés
    Mots Mêlés


    Students will say and find different nationalities by reading some countries.

  • Dictée

    Students will write down the vocabulary they have already practice for the spelling bee contest.

  • Relier Colonnes
    Relier Colonnes

    Robin Hood story

    Students need to watch the video about the story first, then they will match the information.

  • Mots Croisés
    Mots Croisés


    Students will remember how to spell fruit names.