word match education
Relier Colonnesmatch the word with the corresponding color
word match education
Mots Mêlésfind in this alphabet soup the main colors in preschool
word match education
Relier Colonnesmatch the words with their corresponding image
word match education
Mots Mêlésfind the hidden words in the alphabet soup related to the topic of education
find the audio of the correct word of the farm animals in the following memory game with the vocabulary that was handled in class
find the correct description of the zoo animals in the following memory game and with the vocabulary that was handled in class
memory game about pets
Memoryfind the correct description of the domestic animals in the following memory game according to the vocabulary seen in class
word match about pets
Relier ColonnesWith the vocabulary that was seen in class, it relates the text with the audio in a correct way. listen carefully
word match zoo animals
Relier Colonneswith the vocabulary seen in class match the text with the correct text column
word match about farm animals
Relier Colonneswith the vocabulary seen in class, correctly match the image with the name of the animal
word search fruits
Mots Mêlésfind ten names of fruits which are hidden in the word search and send your results to your teacher leam by playin
word search drinks
Mots Mêlésfind ten names of drinks which are hidden in the word search and send your results to your teacher leam by playin
word search drinks
Mots Mêlésfind ten names of vegetables which are hidden in the word search and send your results to your teacher leam by playin