Complete the tex with a correct word.
Complete the sentences with a suitable word.
Navigate C1_Unit 3.1_Vocabulary
Complete the story about a team and teamwork using the correct words.
ML PI_Unit 6_Dictation
Write the text you hear. You can pause the audio whenever you need. Remeber to click the button CHECK when you finish.
Complete the story with the correct words.
ML PI_Unit 6_Corporate entertainment
Complete the story about Carla with the correct words.
Outcomes B2_Unit 4_After reading_Gaps
Complete the text about social issues with the cprrect word.
Choose the correct word to complete the gaps.
Outcomes B2_Describing a place_Unit 2
The exercise helps revise the vocabulary to describe places.
Outcomes B2_Describing a photo_Unit 2
Complete the photo description with the correct word.
Relier Colonnes
Outcomes B2_Unit 1_Grammar
This activity helps you to remember adverbial phrases of frequency.
Outcomes B1_Unit 2_Reading_Gaps
It is a controlled activity to practise the words from the reading section.
Relier Colonnes
Outcomes B1_Unit 2_Matching
The activity allows practising the collocations from the text "Hugs and Kisses".
Froggy Jumps
Outcomes B1_Unit 2_Extra Vocabulary_Gaps
Choose the right word to complete the sentences.
Outcomes B1_Unit 1_Vocabulary_Gaps
Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. FOLLOW THE ORDER OF SENTENCES STRICTLY.
Ordonner les Lettres
EF PI_Unit 11 A_Unscramble the words
Click on the letters to have words from the unit
Navigate B2 Unit 3.2_Money Time_Gaps
Complete the sentences one by one using the correct word.
Relier Colonnes
Navigate B2 Unit 2.1_Voc-ry
The activity deals with the meaning of the target vocabulary.
Business Partner B1+ Unit 8
The activity helps revise the prepositional phrases from the Unit.
Relier Colonnes
Annoying habits_2
This activity aims to practise words and collocations to speak about annoying habits.
Relier Colonnes
Annoying Habits
The activity aims to help you memorize words and collocations to speak about annoying habits.