Your Career Starts Now_Match (D)
Relier ColonnesMatch each concept with its definition or synonym in the sentence.
Your Career Starts Now_Match
Relier ColonnesMatch each concept with its definition or synonym in the sentence.
Family Members
Mots CroisésWrite the correct name that describes the relationship of the people in the picture.
Advertisement Vocabulary
Relier ColonnesMatch the concept with its corresponding definition.
Small Talk
Relier ColonnesMatch the expression with its meaning.
Looking Good
MemoryLook for the words and their respective antonym contained in a sentence.
MemoryMatch the name of the animal with its picture.
Your Career Starts Now
Dialogue A1.2 (Michael Jackson)
Relier ColonnesOrder the shopping dialogue.
Dialogue A1.2 (Freddy Mercury)
Relier ColonnesOrder the shopping dialogue