Relier Colonnes
Business idioms
match the idiom with the meaning. complete the senteces with the correct idiom
Froggy Jumps
Tour around the office. phrasal verbs
Complete the phrases with the correct preposition for showing someone a place.
Mots Croisés
Phonation concepts
this vocabulary is related to the process of speech formation and phonetics
Mots Croisés
Vocabulario fonetica y fonología
Lee las definiciones y escribe la palabra que corresponda. Algunas estan en español y otras en inglés
Relier Colonnes
Suffixes en français
Associez les suffixes aux descriptions correspondantes dans ce jeu de paires.
Froggy Jumps
Phrasal Verbs with the Verb Look
Test your knowledge of phrasal verbs with the verb look in this quiz game!
Fill in the Blanks: Phrasal Verbs
Test your knowledge of phrasal verbs with this fun Fill in the Blanks game!
Ordonner les Lettres
Sick Vocab Unscramble
Unscramble words related to feeling unwell and learn new vocabulary!
Relier Colonnes
Sinónimos, antónimos, parónimo (D)
La actividad consiste en relacionar las columnas, encontrando el par, que defina a cada uno de los conceptos.
Mots Mêlés
Three square meals
find the words related to food and meals of the day. Based on lesson 5 Full Blast1