Лунна нощ
DictéeКликнете бутона START, за да стартирате слушането. Прослушайте и запишете последователно изреченията от текста. Към всяко следващо изречение за слушане преминете с бутона NEXT. Обърнете внимание на п...
Tod's family
DictéeWrite the the text you hear. Type the numbers with words. The text is about the turtle Tod from your activity book ex. 6 http://4thgraders.edu.glogster.com/unit-15-second-page-8750/
Ordonner les MotsListen to the recording and point the words of the clothes you hear. Study their correct spelling.
Irregular verbs
Carte InteractiveSay them and study the irregular verbs - these are some of Ir.V. started with B, C, D, E Good luck!
Unit 3
Video Quizlesson 3