Video Quizcomplete the lyrics
Where is the ball?
TestChoose it.
Billien Jean
CompléterFill in the blanks
"Just the way you are" by Bruno Mars
CompléterFill in the blanks and complete the lyrics of this song.
Comparatives and sustainability
Complétercomplete the sentences correctly
Oui ou Nonintroduction to - reduce, reuse and recycle
CompléterComplete the sentences correctly
Atividade de leitura- história Tá na rua
Froggy Jumpsescolha a melhor opção
Too sweet by hoozier
CompléterFill in the blanks
How much
TestChoose the correct answer
Gafrismos indígenas
MemoryEncontre o par
Revisão Pataxós
TestLeia e responda
Ways- Unit 2
Froggy JumpsEscolha a melhor opção
Telling time
Relier ColonnesMatch.
TestEscolha a alternativa correta
Oui ou NonResponda sim ou não
Fill in the blanks
School Workers Memory Game
MemoryTest your memory and learn about school workers with this fun memory game!
Song practice
CompléterFill in the blanks
Fill in the blanks- U2/Itch
Compléterchoose the correct answers
Listening for Pronunciation
Froggy JumpsThe plural forms
Introducing a friend
Video QuizComplete the sentences
Listening skills 1
Froggy JumpsListen and choose
Review- What's your name?
Ordonner les MotsUnscramble the sentences
Fill in the Blanks: What's your name?
CompléterGuess the missing word in the question 'What's your _______?'
Let's review.
Video QuizEscolha a alternativa correta
Conjunções ( sentido)
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct option
Froggy JumpsEscolha a opção correta
Simple Present review
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct answer
Moderna Plus
Video QuizListen and choose the correct option
Dom Luciano- Unit 3
Froggy JumpsMark the correct answer
Froggy JumpsFill in the blanks
Reading and interpretation
IC- UNIT 2- verbs
Testchoose the correct answer
The cracked pot
Froggy Jumpsreading
Halloween songs
Video QuizContinue the lyrics
U5- UNIT 5
Froggy JumpsChoose the right answer
CompléterComplete the sentences with the correct occupation.
New verbs- Ev- Unit 5
Compléterlost and founds
UN- language review (suggestions)
Froggy JumpsChoose the best and grammatically correct sentence
UN3- Unless and if not
CompléterPut the two sentences together
Relier ColonnesChoose the correct sentences
Architecture- U5
Video QuizComplete the lyrics
IC1- Basic Information Unit 1
CompléterComplete the Sentences
Choose the correct answer
Unlock 4- review and vocab
Froggy Jumpschoose the right answer
Pronounce stress- verb x noun - Traffic UN3
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct answer
Match- B.I- EE2
Relier ColonnesMatch
IC- UNIT 2- Grammar
CompléterPut the verbs into the 3rd person
Choose the correct answer
Future - Present Continuous
CompléterComplete the sentences
Review U5 and 6- CG2
Testverbs and personality
Pronounce tips
TestRecognizing the stress
Will- Wh- questions
Ordonner les MotsReorder the words
Stress- U4- unit 5
TestWhere is the stress?
Write the sentences that you hear
Conversationalists- Types P1U4
CompléterFill in the blanks
Gerund x infinitive
Ordonner les MotsReorder the sentences
Future- Will x won't
CompléterFill in the sentences with the correct form
Vocabulary- accept x change (Pass- 1B/9)
Froggy Jumpschoose the best vocabulary
CG2- UNit 6 text
TestChoose the correct answer
Cg2- U6
Froggy JumpsPersonality
Complete the conversation
Relier ColonnesIntroductions
GC2- qualities
Relier ColonnesMatch
CG1- Past Continuous
Video Quizfill in the blank
GC1- U6
Relier ColonnesComplete the sentences
Match the verbs to the nouns
Reduced clauses
CompléterReduce the clauses accordlingly to the rules.
Fill in the sentence- transport
CompléterFill in the blanks
Future- Be going to
Ordonner les MotsPut in order
Comparatives: Superiority and Equality
Ordonner les MotsOrganize the sentences
Was x were : Simple Past of Be
CompléterWrite the simple past of Be
Choose the right answer
What are they doing?
Ordonner les MotsOrganize the sentences
Video QuizWatch and fill in the gaps
Where is...
Froggy JumpsLook and answer
Mots CroisésWHat clotthes are these?
Rachel Carson
CompléterFill in the text with the Simple Past or Past Perfect.
Parts of the boy and clothes
Carte InteractiveMatch
Relier ColonnesFind the halves
Ordonner les MotsCommunication verbs
Find the means of transport
Mots MêlésFind all means of transport
Simple past review
Video QuizSimple Past
Wild animals
MemoryMatch the animals to their names.
Relier ColonnesBut, and, so, because
Would like
CompléterWould like (+, - and ?)
Super Minds 3- Unit 4 (town)
Mots CroisésPLaces in town
Carte InteractiveWrite on the correct place: old, new, young, short, long, sad, happy, fat, thin.
Numbers 1-100
Mots CroisésReviewing numbers
Meeting people
Relier ColonnesMatch.
Meeting people
RelierPut the dialogue in order