Mots Mêléssearch for the vocabulary words of TV
Mots CroisésLook at the pictures. Then complete the crossword with the types of movies and TV programs. (Do not use spaces between words.)
Extended cities
Ordonner les LettresUnscramble the words
Visiting new places
Relier ColonnesMatching the pictures to the words
Pretty cities 2
TestWrite and choose the correct answer
Pretty cities
Mots Mêléscircle the correct vocabulary word
Pretty cities
Relier ColonnesMatch the pictures to the words
Feelings and emotions
Mots MêlésChoose the correct words
The environment
Mots Mêléschoose the correct answer in the word search
Cooking equipment
Mots MêlésSearch the cooking equipment words in the word search
Be careful vocabulary 2
Mots MêlésSearch for the vocabulary words
Be careful vocabulary 2
Mots CroisésListen and complete the crossword activity
Be careful vocabulary
Mots CroisésListen and complete the crosswords activities
Complete the passive voice questions.
Be careful vocabulary
CompléterFill in the blanks with unit 3 and 4 vocabulary words
sport vocabulary
DictéeWrite down the correct words you heard
sport vocabulary
Mots CroisésMake the crossword activities about sports