
Son jeux

Changer le mode d'affichage de l'activité
  • Ordonner les Lettres
    Ordonner les Lettres

    Unscrambled letter

    Order the letters correctly

  • Relier Colonnes
    Relier Colonnes

    Matching Game

    Match the image with the correct name.

  • Relier Colonnes
    Relier Colonnes

    Matching Game

    Match the images with their names.

  • Ordonner les Lettres
    Ordonner les Lettres

    How do you write my name?

    Look at the pictures and put the letters in order.

  • Test

    Look and listen to the following words. Select in what syllable the main stress is.

  • Compléter


    Fill the blanks to complete the following text

  • Devinette


    Discover the image and write the correct word