Places in the city
Video QuizWatch the following video and select the correct alternative
Expressing abilities
Video QuizWatch the video and answer some questions
School objects matching
Relier ColonnesLook at the pictures and match the corresponding vocabulary.
School subject matching
Relier ColonnesMatch the vocabulary with the corresponding image
School objects wordsearch
Mots MêlésLook for the following school objects
School objects
CompléterListen to the audio and complete the blank spaces.
Fruit fill in the gaps
CompléterListen to the audio and complete the blank spaces
School subjects matching
Relier ColonnesAsocia el vocabulario con la imagen de la asignatura correspondiente
School subjects memory 2
MemoryAsocia el vocabulario de la asignatura con la imagen correspondiente
Food adjectives
MemoryListen to vocabulary related to food and select the correct image
School subjects audio
MemoryListen to the school subjects and select the correct image
Matching activity
Relier ColonnesMatch the vocabulary with the corresponding picture.
Classifying food
RelierLook at the picture and classify the food according to the taste.
My favourite day
TestRead the following text and answer the questions
Relier ColonnesAsocia la categoría con la información correspondiente.
School subjects
MemoryAsocia el vocabulario de la asignatura con la imagen correspondiente
Favorite school subjects
Video QuizAnswer the following questions about the video.
Favorite Food
CompléterListen to the audio about George and fill in the blanks.
Pasapalabra 5º básico
Mots RouletteConocimiento general