Animals. Vocabulary
Mots CroisésCrossword. Look at the image and write the correct word.
Vocabulary: Animals
Froggy JumpsHelp the frog to cross the river by choosing the correct answer.
Mots MêlésFind the words. Remember that in wordsearches there are no spaces between words.
Froggy JumpsHelp the frog to cross the river by chosing the correct answer.
Vocabulary: Sports
Froggy JumpsHelp the frog to cross the river by choosing the correct answer.
Mots CroisésLook at the image and write the correct word.
Froggy JumpsHelp the frog to cross the river by choosing the correct answer.
Mots CroisésCrossword. Look at the image and write the correct word.
Mots MêlésFind the vocabulary in the wordsearch.
Froggy JumpsHelp the frog to cross the river by choosing the correct answer.
Municipal services
Relier ColonnesMatch.
Endangered animals
Mots CroisésCrossword. Look at the image and write the correct word.
Endangered animals
Mots MêlésFind the vocabulary in the wordsearch.
Endangered animals
Froggy JumpsHelp the frog to cross the river by choosing the correct answer.
Tools to measure weather.
Mots CroisésRead the description and write the name of the tool.
Tools to measure weather
Relier ColonnesMatch the tools with their descriptions.
Weather elements
Mots CroisésRead the description and write the correct name.
Vocabulary: Weekly activities
Mots MêlésFind the vocabulary in the wordsearch.
Vocabulary: Weekly activities
Froggy JumpsHelp the frog to cross the river by choosing the correct answer.
Reproducción sexual de las plantas.
Relier ColonnesLee y ordena el proceso de reproducción de las plantas.
Vocabulary: Hobbies
Mots MêlésFind the vocabulary in the wordsearch.
Vocabulary: Hobbies
Mots CroisésCrossword. Look at the image and write the correct name.
Vocabulary: Hobbies
Froggy JumpsHelp the frog to cross the river by choosing the correct answer.
Partes de la flor
Mots CroisésLee y escribe la parte de la flor. ¡CUIDADO CON LAS TILDES!
Etapas de la Historia
Relier ColonnesUne cada acontecimiento con su etapa correspondiente.
Etapas de la Historia
Ordonner les MotsOrdena las etapas de la Historia de más antigua a más reciente.
A show
Mots CroisésFind the words in the wordsearch.
Vocabulary: A show
Froggy JumpsHelp the frog to cross the river by choosing the correct answer.
Pure substances and mixtures
Froggy JumpsHelp the frog cross the river by choosing the correct answer.
Las capas de la Tierra
Mots CroisésLee la descripción y escribe el nombre de la capa de la Tierra correspondiente. NO TE OLVIDES DE LAS TILDES.
Vocabulary: Recycling
Mots MêlésFind the words in the wordsearch.
Vocabulary: Recycling
Froggy JumpsHelp the frog to cross the river by choosing the correct answer.
Vocabulary: Food
Froggy JumpsHelp the frog to cross the river by choosing the correct answer.
Mots CroisésCompleta el crucigrama.
Mots CroisésCompleta el crucigrama.
Mots CroisésCompleta el crucigrama.
Servicios municipales
RelierUne cada trabajo con el tipo de servicio municipal.
Vocabulary: Technology.
Ordonner les LettresUnscramble the words and the sentences.
Vocabulary: Technology
Mots CroisésLook at the picture and write the word.
Vocabulary: Technology
Froggy JumpsHelp the frog to cross the river by choosing the correct answer.
Paisajes de interior
Mots CroisésLee la descripción y escribe el elemento que conforma el paisaje de interior (montañoso o de llanura) correspondiente.
Paisaje de costa
Mots CroisésLee la descripción y escribe el elemento que conforma el paisaje de costa correspondiente.
TestLook at the pictures and write.
Tipos de relieves
Froggy JumpsAyuda a la rana a cruzar el río eligiendo la respuesta correcta.
CompléterChoose the correct flavour.
Relier ColonnesMatch the food with its flavour.
Parts of the nose
Froggy JumpsHelp the frog to cross the river by choosing the correct answer.
Parts of the nose.
Relier ColonnesMatch the word with its correct picture.
Parts of the skin.
Froggy JumpsHelp the frog to cross the river by choosing the correct answer.
Parts of the skin
Mots CroisésLook at the image and write the name of that part of the skin.
Pars of the ear: Functions
Mots CroisésRead the function of each part and write the correct part of the ear.
Parts of the eye: Functions
Mots CroisésRead the function of each part and write the correct part of the eye.
Parts of the skin
MemoryMatch the picture with its name.
Parts of the skin
Carte InteractiveLabel the parts of the skin.
Froggy JumpsEnglish vocabulary: Activities.
Personal Pronouns
CompléterElegir el pronombre personal correcto
Las palabras compuestas
MemoryActividad consistente en relacionar las palabras compuestas con su imagen correspsondiente.
2ºB Wordsearch
Mots MêlésThe students of 2ºB think of words and we make a wordsearch together.
Mots MêlésThe students of 2ºA think of words and we make a wordsearch together.
DictéeEscribe las palabras separadas con guiones en sílabas y correctamente acentuadas (si es que llevan tilde).