Video Quiz
-Contesta las preguntas que se te hagan, conforme vez el cuento.
Relier Colonnes
El combate de los rebaños.
El combate de los rebaños'', episodio 8 de Don Quijote. Vocabulario y preguntas sobre el episodio.
SEXTO Concurso SOPA DE LETRAS Don Quijote de la Mancha ¡MUCHA SUERTE!
Video Quiz
El Principito. Personajes de la pelicula
Estudents will get familiar with the main characters in Spanish that appear in the movie The little prince.
Carte Interactive
¿Qué tiempo hace? (D)
Haz click en la imagen que se corresponda con cada fenómeno meteorológico.
Ordonner les Lettres
Datos de la obra de Don Quijote. Primer episodio.
En la siguiente actividad encontrara una serie de palabras desordenadas, ordenarlas con las pistas presentes.
Mots Mêlés
Copito de Nieve. El gorila blanco
Vocabulary about the movie and story of ''Copito de Nieve'' , the unique white gorilla.
Mots Croisés
Perrita Laika vocabulario
Identificar las palabras que hacen relación al envío de la perrita Laika al espacio. Escribe las palabras del vocabulario sobre esta aventura espacial.
Mots Croisés
la perrita Laika (D)
Después de ver el vídeo cuento de la Perrita Laika, vamos a encontrar las respuestas a este crucigrama
Ordonner les Mots
La perrita Laika y los primeros viajes espaciales
VIRALNOTICIAS DE ANIMALES Laika, la primera perrita que vio el espacio; gracias a ella se hicieron nuevos descubrimientos
Froggy Jumps
El elefante azul - película. Singular y plural.
Vocabulary about animals, colors, objects and people. Singular and plural in Spanish.
Los alumnos tendrán que contestar estas preguntas para comprobar si han comprendido la historia de la perrita Laika.
Video Quiz
Verb ''trabajar'' in Spanish
Conversation about the verb trabajar in Spanish and its conjugation in present indicative tense
Froggy Jumps
Infinitive verbs in Spanish
Students will get familiar with infinitive verbs in Spanish.
Carte Interactive
Emociones y estados de ánimo (D)
Las emociones son intensas y cortas, los estados de ánimo son más largos pero se sienten menos intensos. Identifica emociones y estados de ánimo.
Video Quiz
El lince perdido
Students wil get familiar with the vocabulary about the movie ''The missing lynx in Spanish.
Relier Colonnes
Manuelita la tortuga -------------------- Manuelita vivía en Pehuajó pero un día se marchó. Nadie supo bien por qué a París ella se fue un poquito caminando y otro poquitito a pie. ...
Relier Colonnes
La iguana tomaba café - Song
Students will get familiar with the vocabulary about the children song ''La iguana tomaba café''
Mots Croisés
ronda infantil la iguana tomaba café (D)
escritura de los diferentes personaejs y objetos que hay en la ronda
Mots Mêlés
Estructura de un equipo de fút (D)
Encuentra todas las posiciones generales y especificas de un equipo de soccer
Mots Croisés
El libro de la vida - The book
Students will get familiar with the vocabulary about the movie ''El libro de la vida''
Video Quiz
El libro de la vida - The book
Students will answer the questions about the movie ''El libro de la vida''
Carte Interactive
Culturas precolombinas S. Amer
Students will get familiar with Pre-Columbian cultures of South America.
Mots Croisés
La leyenda del Dorado
Students will find the vocabulary words about ''La Leyenda del Dorado''
Los estudiantes contestaran las preguntas sobre esta leyenda de Sudamérica.
Carte Interactive
La leyenda del Dorado
Los estudiantes realizaran esta actividad de localizacion geografica de los lugares citados en la ''Leyenda del Dorado''.
Mots Mêlés
Palabras con la letra CH.
Students will find that all words beginning with or containing the letter CH
Students will be familiar with several classroom commands in Spanish . Students should be able to understand basic commands and commands in Spanish for basic actions.
Write the right form of the adjective (comparative or superlative).
Mots Mêlés
Aficiones - Hobbies
Students will get familiar with hobbies, pastimes and entertainments in Spanish.
Students will get familiar with the future simple indicative in Spanish
Relier Colonnes
Los cognados (cognates) -E
Students will become familiar with cognates beginning in Spanish with the syllable ''es''
Ordonner les Lettres
Ferdinand - Spanish Vocabulary.
Vocabulary in Spanish about the movie and the story of Ferdinand.
Students will become familiar with the characters of the movie Ferdinand.
Video Quiz
Olé El Viaje de Ferdinand
Students will get familiar with the vocabulary about Ferdinand Movie and story.
1. Listen at normal speed. Do not write. 2. Listen again at slow speed and write what you hear. Type one sentence for each audio, then press enter to go to the next line. 3 .At the end click on the ...
¿Cómo te llamas?
Students will learn to ask what your name is in Spanish, to use the verb ser in simple sentences and to introduce their friends or partners to others.
Relier Colonnes
Greetings in Spanish
Students will get familiar with greetings and courtesy expressions in Spanish.
Mots Mêlés
Virtual Classroom
Students will get familiar with Spanish vocabulary about virtual classroom
Froggy Jumps
Toys and games in Spanish *Kinder*
Vocabulary in Spanish about the most popular toys and games.
Froggy Jumps
El día de Reyes. Three Kings Day. Vocabulary
Vocabulary in Spanish related to the celebration of the Three Kings day
Mots Croisés
El origen de la lengua español
Students will get familiar with vocabulary in Spanish related to the origin of the Spanish Language
Mots Croisés
La ropa - Clothing
Students will learn how to spell several vocabulary words and verbs in Spanish to talk about clothes.
Mots Mêlés
Guatemala/America Central
Students will get familiar with Guatemala, with its geography, climate, history and main tourist attractions.
Mots Mêlés
Prepositions of place
Students will get familiar with the prepositions of place in Spanish.
Mots Mêlés
La ropa - Clothing
Students will find te vocabulary words and verbs in Spanish to talk about clothes.
Me gusta, no me gusta
Students will become familiar with the verbs gustar, encantar as well as other action verbs, vocabulary related to hobbies and pastimes.
Día de la Hispanidad
After watching a video, students will learn about the celebration of the "Fiesta de la Hispanidad" or Hispanic Day also know as Day of the race, Indigenous Cultures Day, Day of cultures or Columbus da...
Mots Croisés
Disfraz de vaquero
Students will learn the clothing and accessories in Spanish to dress up as cowboys.
Vocabulario de la salud
Students will get familiar with vocabulary about health in Spanish.
Ordonner les Mots
Preposiciones de lugar
Forming sentences with ESTAR verb and prepositions of place in Spanish
El lince perdido película
Dictation on the film "The missing lynx". Type each word separated by a comma. Do not forget to place a space between the comma and the next word and to place a period at the end.
Mots Croisés
El lince perdido - Personajes
The students have to solve the crossword puzzle about the animals in the movie in Spanish.
Mots Mêlés
El lince perdido - Personajes
Find all the animals that appear in the movie. Remember that some of them are in endangered species.
Mots Mêlés
La cigarra y la hormiga.
Students will look up vocabulary related to the fable of the cicada and the ant in Spanish.
Relier Colonnes
La Cigarra y la Hormiga
Vocabulary words in Spanish about the fable ''La cigarra y la hormiga'' (The grasshopper and the ant)
The fable about the ant and the grasshopper in Spanish. Guess the character based on the the clues about the fable.
Relier Colonnes
El ratón y el león
Students will be introduced to the Spanish fable of the mouse and the lion.
El ratón y el león - Questions
Students will be introduced to the Spanish fable of the mouse and the lion.
Terminaciones de los verbos
Las terminaciones de los verbos regulares. Spanish verbs in the infinitive form. How to Conjugate Regular Verbs in the Present Tense?
Infinitive Spanish Verbs
Spanish verbs in the infinitive form have one of these three endings -ar, -er, -ir
Mots Roulette
Partes y objetos de casa
Students will play a game about house parts, furnitures and households
Relier Colonnes
La ratita presumida
Story about the Conceited Little Rat in Spanish. A traditional Spanish Tale.
En la consulta del médico
Students will fill in the blanks after watching a video about the visit to the doctor.
Juguetes y juegos en español
Students will learn the vocabulary about toys and games in Spanish.
Relier Colonnes
Día de los Reyes Magos
Students will get familiar with the Spanish Christmas Tradition of the ''dia de los Reyes Magos'' or day of the Three Kings,
Mots Croisés
Los deportes
Los deportes de equipo e individuales, equipamiento deportivo y verbos de acción en español.
Relier Colonnes
Las profesiones - Professions
After listening to the audio, place each answer in the corresponding column.
Relier Colonnes
El sonido con la letra B
Students will learn the syllables with b and a vowel: ba, be, bi ,bo . bu