Find the words
corona virus
Mots Mêlésen esta sopa de letras podemos encontrar algunas medidas de prevencion para protegerte del coronavirus
Oui ou NonChoose the option
simple past
Ordonner les Motsorder sentences in simple past
Relier ColonnesMatch the phrasal verb with the meaning in Spanish.
Phrasal verbs
Mots Mêléslook and find the word
Present perfect
Mots MêlésPresent perfect
adverbs of frequency
Mots Mêlésfind the adverbs of frequency
Mots MêlésEncuentra las palabras
Everyday English Quantity Vocabulary
Relier ColonnesMatching the words
Los primeros billetes con la efigie de Carlos III
Relier ColonnesMatch the meaning
Body movements
MemoryMatch the words
Ordonner les Lettresorder the letters
First Conditional
Ordonner les Motsorder the words
La Música
Mots MêlésEncontrar las palabras relacionadas con música
idioms and phrases
Relier ColonnesMatch the phrases
Describing Food
Ordonner les Lettresorder the letters
Health Vocabulary
Mots Mêlésfind the words
Opposite Words
MemoryFind and match the opposite words
Opposite words
CompléterWrite the opposite words
Second conditional
Ordonner les MotsOrder the words
Adjectives of food
Mots Mêlésidentify the words
Memorymatch the images with the word
sports vocabulary
Mots MêlésSoup letter
Present Perfect Continous
CompléterFill in the blanks with the correct form of each verb with present perfect continous
We are the World
Video QuizComplete the sentences ..
Verb Be
CompléterChoose the correct option.
Simple Present Tense
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct option per each sentence.
Mots MêlésBook 2, pag 51
Body movements II part
Mots Mêlésfind the words
Unit 4
Memory10:00 am Look for the pair
Unit 4
Mots MêlésLook the words "Dec09"
Action Words "Dec 09"
Ordonner les LettresOrder the letters to form the word
Warm up 1
Mots MêlésFind the words
El pueblo más frío del mundo
Mots Mêlésfind the words
Warm up 8
Mots MêlésFind the action verbs.
Group 10
Mots RouletteSay a word depending of the letter.
Group 8
Mots Roulettesay a word with the letter
Mots Rouletteordenar para formar palabras
Magic words
Ordonner les LettresOrder tha words to form the magic word.
Old and New objects
MemoryMatch the old objects with the new objects.
Match the images that are similars.
Ordonner les Lettresorder the words
Action Activities "Dec 09"
MemoryMatch the image with the word
Be polite!
Mots MêlésLook for the magic words
Pre- Reading activity
MemoryLook for the meaning of the words
How to get ready to bed?
Mots MêlésFind the words
The Numbers
Memorymatch the numbers
Memorylook and match
Classroom Objects
MemoryFind the words
Classroom Objects
Mots MêlésFind the words
Mots Mêlésfind the words
Review of class
Mots Mêlésfind the words
Review Unit 2
Mots CroisésWrite the words
Mots MêlésFind the emotions
Classroom Language
Mots CroisésWrite the words in English
Classroom Language
MemoryMatch the image with the word
Playground Safety Rules
MemoryMatch the image with the word.
Prepositions of place
Froggy JumpsLook the image and choose the correct preposition per each sentence.
Relier ColonnesMatch the numbers from 11 to 20
Greetings, Farewells and Emotions
Froggy JumpsSelect the correct option per each question.
Vocabulary Book 1
MemoryMatch the word with the Spanish definition
My games
MemoryMatch the image with the correct word
MemoryMatch the word with the image
There is and There are
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct option per each question.
Birthday Vocabulary
Mots MêlésFind 10 words related to party in 3 minutes
th words
RelierIdentify the sounds
Farm Vocabulary
Memoryfind peers
Farm Vocabulary
Ordonner les LettresIdentifica
Mots Mêléslook and find
Welcome Class
Mots MêlésFing action verbs
Farm Vocabulary
Mots MêlésFind farm vocabulary
Verbs (July 01)
MemoryRelacionar los verbos
Guess the word
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct option
Action Verbs
Ordonner les LettresOrder the words
Order the words
Ordonner les MotsSS will order the words to make sentences.
Family Members
Mots MêlésFind the family members
Magic Words
Mots CroisésAnswer the questions
Magic Words
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with the meaning in spanish
What is the number?
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct written form per each number
Personal Pronouns
CompléterWrite the personal pronouns