Word search
Mots MêlésWord-search.
Past simple verbs crossword
Mots CroisésCrossword about past simple verbs.
Parts of the body
Mots MêlésWord-search about parts of the body
Mots CroisésCrossword about animals
Classroom material
Mots CroisésWord-search about classroom material
Native American tribes
Mots Croisés4th grade
3rd Unit
Mots CroisésCrossword of the last Unit.
Mots CroisésWord-search about Aztecs
Mots CroisésActivity about numbers.
Gadgets word-search
Mots MêlésA word-search about gadgets.
Gadgets crossword
Mots CroisésCrossword about Gadgets
Match the sport and the countr
Relier ColonnesMatch the sport with the country.
Types of sports
RelierWe are going to classify the sports.
Match the sport and equipment.
Relier ColonnesMatch the sport with the material.
Mots CroisésActivity about sports.
Concentration and death camps
Mots MêlésActivity to find different concentration camps and death camps.
Continents and oceans
Mots CroisésCrossword about continents and oceans.
World War 2
Mots CroisésCrossword about World War 2.
Continents and oceans.
Mots MêlésFind the continents and the oceans in the worksheet.
Mots MêlésWord-search about adjectives.
Comparatives and superlatives
Mots CroisésWrite the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives.
Mots MêlésWord-search about actors.
Word-search about films
Mots CroisésActivity about film.
Universe word-search
Mots MêlésWord-search activity about the Universe.
Mots CroisésActivity about vocabulary related to universe.
Magic word-search
Mots MêlésWord-search about words we have studied.
Mots CroisésActivity about magic.
Mots MêlésWord-search about Japan.
RelierActivity to practice our knowledge about Japan.