Numbers 1 - 20
MemoryMatch writen numbers to aritmetical numbers
CG book 1 Voting
Oui ou NonAscend 4th
GC Vocabulary book 1
Relier ColonnesAMCO Ascend
Vocabulary A2 SU U3
Mots CroisésVocabulary words
SU B1 U1
MemoryVocabulary travel
Relier ColonnesEnglish verbs memory game
STEAM book4
Mots MêlésWordsearch
Global Citizenship 1st trimester review
CompléterFill in the blanks
ES book 1 review
Mots CroisésWrite the word corresponding to each definition
Columbus Day
Mots MêlésFind the words
STEAM 1st quiz
Relier ColonnesMatch the word to its definition.
6th grade partial 1
Mots CroisésRead the sentences and write the missing word from our lesson 1 and 2 vocabulary words.
Mexican Independence
Mots MêlésLook fo the words.
Last day of school
Mots MêlésFind the words
Vocabulary STEAM book 5
Mots CroisésFind the vocabulary words.
Lesson 4, Book 5 definitions
Mots CroisésWrite the word for each definition
Lesson 4, Book 5
Relier ColonnesMatch the image to the correct vocabulary word.
Lesson 3: Book 5
Relier ColonnesMatch the image to the correct meaning.
Lesson 5 Book 5
Relier ColonnesMatch the images to the corresponding word.
Book 4: Lessons 1 - 3
Relier ColonnesMatch the vocabulary word with the image that corresponds
Lesson 3
DictéeListen the short paragraph and write it down. Watch out for the spelling.
Lesson 3
Relier ColonnesMatch the word with the image.
Causes WWII
Mots CroisésComplete the word puzzle
Wh questions
Relier ColonnesMatch the images to the Wh word correctly
STEAM book 3
Relier ColonnesMatch the image that represents a voc. word to its definitions
Language review
TestAnswer the following questions
2nd partial STEAM review
Relier ColonnesMatch the picture to the corresponding definition.
2nd partials GC review
Relier ColonnesSelect the picture according to the event or action.
2nd partials Language review
CompléterFill in the blanks.
2nd partials review
Mots CroisésWrite the correct word for each definition.
Lesson 2
Mots MêlésVocabulary words