TestAnswer the following Quiz so we can check out your knowledge about news!
Sections in a newspaper
Mots CroisésAnswer the following crossword to reinforce what you learned about the different sections in news.
Where do we find news?
Relier ColonnesComplete the following memory game to reinforce your knowledge.
Importance of news
TestAnswer the following activity so I can be sure you understood why news is important.
"El viejo y el mar"
TestINSTRUCCIONES: - Contesta correctamente las siguientes preguntas según tu criterio
After read the page 25 from your sheet compendium, please answer the following questions.
CompléterPlease read and try to understand the text, then try to integrate the missing words to complete the sentence
TestInstructions: Please read and answer the questions; You can use the page 22 from your sheet compendium
CompléterDe acuerdo con lo que rescataste de la exposición, contesta lo que se te indica. Por favor, sigue las reglas gramaticales ya antes explicadas.
Mots CroisésInstrucciones: Deberás leer cuidadosamente las palabras guiándote de tu hoja no. 5 para encontrar la respuesta correcta.