U2 QR Match
Relier ColonnesMatch the Unit 2 Question with its response.
Weather Match
Relier ColonnesMatch the weather with its picture.
Activities/Locations Matching
Relier ColonnesMatch the activity sentence with its logical location.
Numbers Warmup
Relier ColonnesMatch the numbers.
Greetings Match
Relier ColonnesMatch the French greeting with its English translation.
French Alphabet Matching
Relier ColonnesMatch the letter with its French sound
La Famille
Mots MêlésFind the family words in the puzzle.
Les Nombres de 0 à 69
Carte InteractiveSelect the number that you hear in the audio.
Thanksgiving Vocabulary
Mots CroisésUse the list of Thanksgiving words to complete the puzzle
Animals/Colors Practice
Mots CroisésUse the French translation of the clues to complete the puzzle.
Animals/Colors Practice
Mots CroisésUse your vocabulary lists to complete the puzzle
School Subjects Practice
Mots CroisésComplete the crossword puzzle with your school subjects vocabulary
School Subjects Practice
Ordonner les LettresUnscramble the letters to spell out the school subjects.
Daily Routine Practice
Mots CroisésDo not include spaces, accent marks, or punctuation.
Daily Routine Dictée
DictéeWrite the French words that you hear spoken. DO NOT write English.
Dates Dictation
DictéeWrite the dates (IN FRENCH) that you hear. Start a new line for each date