Matching game (D)
Relier ColonnesMatch the movie with the correct genre
Simple Present Practice
CompléterComplete each sentence with the word corresponding to the present simple
Perfect Modals (D)
Ordonner les MotsOrganize the 10 sentences so they make sense (0.5 pts each)
Locations and directions
Relier ColonnesMatch the verbs in present with the past participle tense.
RelierMatch the questions and answers.
Match the pictures
Relier ColonnesMatch the President's name with the picture
What does the President do?
Video QuizLet's find out more about the President of the United States job
Find the names
Mots MêlésFind some of the most influential presidents in the US history
Conditional structures
Relier ColonnesMatch the structures with correct conditional
Third Conditional
Video QuizThrough this video we are going to learn more about the uses of third conditional and its structure. Video curado Datos de Video original Teacher Diane (Learning Englis on Skype) (16 de mayo de ...
Video QuizThrough this video we are going to review and practice conditionals. Material curado Video original Teacher Diane (Learn English on Skype) (1 de noviembre de 2014) Recuperado de: https://www.yout...
Match the pictures and names
Relier ColonnesRelacionar la imagen con la palabra
Find the words
Mots MêlésFormar palabras relacionadas con "Farm animals" en la siguiente sopa de letras.
Complete the words
CompléterCompletar las palabras para formar "farm animals"
Match the pictures and names
RelierEn esta actividad los estudiantes deben conectar las imágenes con los nombres correspondientes.
Farm Animals
Video QuizA través de la siguiente actividad vamos a identificar diferentes tipos de animales de granja en inglés, al mismo tiempo que reconoceremos algunas de sus características principales.