Bet you didn´t know -Halloween
Video QuizWatch the video and answer the questions
Ordonner les LettresUnscramble the letters to find the correct word
Mots MêlésSearch the words
CLIL English and PC
Relier ColonnesMatching exercise
The Tower of Belém
Mots MêlésFinding 10 words
Let's Save the Earth
MemoryMemorise pictures and find the two equal
Belém Tower
MemoryMemory game
Let's Save the Earth
Mots MêlésFinding words related to the activities of the eTwinning project
Practising vocabulary. Learning about France
Past Participle
Mots CroisésFind and write the correct Past Participle of the Infinitives
The Monastery of Batalha
Ordonner les LettresFinding the right word
The Monastery of Batalha
Mots MêlésWord Search Puzzle
The Monastery of Batalha
Relier ColonnesMatching the columns
The Monastery of Batalha
Ordonner les LettresUnscramble Letters Game
Food and Drink
Mots MêlésFinding words
Mots MêlésSearch for London landmarks
Past Simple- Irregular Verbs
Relier ColonnesMatch the columns