RelierGroup the expressions that have a similar meaning
Objects of preposition
CompléterClick on the word that best completes each sentence.
Future perfect and continuous
Video QuizWatch the video. Answer the questions.
Likes and dislikes
Video QuizWatch the video and answer the questions. Choose the correct option.
Le malaises et les maladies
Video QuizObserva el vídeo y contesta las preguntas.
Les malaises et les maladies
MemoryUne las imágenes con su respectivo descripción.
Reported speech
Video QuizWatch the video and answer the questions.
Modals of speculation
Video QuizWatch the video, and answer the questions.
Passive forms
Video QuizWatch the video, and asnwer the questions.
Tag questions
Video QuizWatch the video and answers the questions.
Do you have...?
Video QuizAnswer the questions related to the video.
Verb complements
CompléterComplete the text with the appropriate words.
Les actions
Mots CroisésEscribe las acciones en francés en el crucigrama.
Relier ColonnesRelaciona los adjetivos en francés con su traducción en español.
Les verbes du troisiéme groupe
Mots CroisésEscribe los verbos correctamente
Video QuizAnswer the questions related to the video information.
Past participles
RelierFind all the words that belong to the past participles group.
La famille et les adjectifs
CompléterCompleta el texto con las palabras apropiadas.
Est-ce que...?
Relier ColonnesFaites correspondre les colonnes.
Est-ce que...?
Video QuizRepondrez les questions de video.
Simple present and continuous
CompléterComplete the sentences using the appropriate words.
Comparative adjectives
RelierMatch 4 words to create a group.
Causative get and have
RelierMatch 3 sentences to form a group.
Les endroits de la ville
Mots MêlésEncuentra los nombres de los lugares de la ciudad (en francés)
Basic introduction
Relier ColonnesListen and match questions with their appropriate answer.
Basic introduction
Mots MêlésFind the words used in the video.
Past perfect
Video QuizChoose the right option to complete the phrases.
Personal information
Video QuizWatch the video and answer the questions