Household Chores
Mots MêlésFind the vocabulary about the topic
MemoryFind the letters, and say aloud the correct pronunciation.
Froggy JumpsFind out the meaning of the idioms
Th words
Mots MêlésFind the th words and read them aloud
[Th] reading
DialogueStudents practice the [th] sounds by reading the dialogue
Froggy JumpsIdentify the consonants you hear
Froggy JumpsMark the correct article
The weather
MemoryMatch the weather conditions
Likes and preferences
Mots MêlésFind the different ways to express likes and preferences
Likes and dislikes
MemoryStudents match the images and expresses sentences about likes and dislikes according to the pictures they matched.
Personal Information
CompléterComplete el texto sobre información personal y escriba las palabras correctas que hacen falta
Introducing yourself
RelierStudents match the questions to their corresponding answers
MemoryStudents look for the animals and its corresponding name. After they will try to spell each of the animla´s name.
Holidays Dates
MemoryStududents match the holidays and celebration dates with the appopiate image
Holidays and Celebrations
Relier ColonnesMatch the descriptions about different holidays and celebrations
Lantern Parade Celebration
Mots CroisésComplete the descriptions by filling in the blanks the answers
Holidays and Celebrations
Mots MêlésLook for each of the words related to holidays and celebrations
Costa Rican Typical Food
MemoryMatch the images about Costa Rican typical dishes and then mention to the class the name of at least one ingredient.