Present perfect continuous
Compléterchoose the correct option according to the context of the sentence.
Complete the sentences as appropriate.
Present Perfect
TestChoose the correct option according to its structure.
Present Perfect
TestChange the verb to its correct form.
Present simple and Present continuous
CompléterComplete the text taking into account the simple present and the continuous present
Simple Present
TestChoose the correct answer using the present simple tense:
Simple Present
TestChoose the correct option of the use of the present simple with the following sentences
Translate the following sentences taking into account their past simple, past perfect, or past perfect continuous.
Translate the following sentences taking into account their past simple, past perfect, or past perfect continuous.
Translate the following sentences taking into account their past simple, past perfect, or past perfect continuous.
Past Perfect
TestOrganize the sentences according to their form: affirmative, negative and interrogative, using the past perfect and their respective verb in the past participle.
Testorder the sentences according to their structure
TestChoose A or AN as appropriate.
past continuous
CompléterComplete the negative sentences according to their structure
past continuous
CompléterComplete the following affirmative sentences of the past continuous according to their structure
Write the verbs that are in parentheses in gerund
CompléterObserve the verb in the infinitive and pass it to gerund according to its rules or exceptions
Choose the verb in the past simple.
choose the correct answer
verb to be in the past
Relier ColonnesJoin the pronouns with their corresponding conjugation of the verb "to be" in the past.
Personal Pronouns
CompléterComplete the sentence with your respective personal pronoun.
Verb to be
TestAnswer the questions about the verb to be
Past simple (Regular verbs)
Relier ColonnesLink each regular verb with its respective past simple