Relaciona las columnas correctamente.
Encuentra las partes del cuerpo en esta sopa.
Place the letters in the correct order.
Match the columns correctly
relacionar los mosaicos de transportes
Fill in the blanks with object pronouns in this interactive game.
Tenemos diferentes formas de leer el reloj, relaciona la imagen del reloj con otra forma de decir la hora.
Match the columns correctly.
Complete the sentences correctly.
Match the columns correctly.
Match the columns correctly.
Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences.
Test your memory and learn about different types of food with this fun memory cards game!
Match the picture with the correct word.
Choose the correct word to complete
Complete the sentences correctly.
Completa los enunciados correctamente.
Escribe la palabra correcta.
Relaciona las columnas correctamente.
Elige correctamente las 9 regiones abdominales.
Relaciona correctamente las columnas.
Choose the correct answer.
Escoje la respuesta correcta.
Encuentra las parejas correctas con respecto a las proteínas.
A fun game to test your knowledge about chores.
Encuentra el par del evento y la fecha.
Demuestra tus conocimientos sobre los niveles de prevención en salud con este juego de preguntas y respuestas.
Match the columns correctly.
Test your knowledge about the different levels of organization within a company with this crossword puzzle!
Escoge correctamente las parejas de cartas.
Test your knowledge on countable and uncountable nouns with these 10 questions!
Complete the sentence correctly.
Match the correct concept with its definition.
Find the correct pair and mention the definiton
Label the levels of organization in the human depicted in the diagram.
Read the clues and spell the word correctly.
Relaciona correctamente las columnas.
Encuentra los elementos del botiquin.
Partes de un botiquín.
Ciencias de la salud.
Identify the importance of the cell in form and function
Choose the correct answer.
Match the columns correctly.
Match the sentence with the correct picture.
Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
Look at the picture and write the word.
Write the name of the technology device.
Complete the sentences with conjunctions.
Complete the sentence with a family member.
Find the adverbs and use it to build a sentence.
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.
Write the correct word to complete the sentence.
According to the country write the nationality.
Read the key words and choose the correct tense.
Choose the correct suffix.
Make it to the end as fast as possible!
Use do, does and did correctly.
Match each adjective with its opposite.
Elige la palabra para completar.
Seasons, Weather, and Climate
Weather, Climate and Seasons