Environment Verbs Quiz
Froggy JumpsTest your knowledge of environment-related verbs with this quiz game!
Restaurant Alphabet Challenge
Mots RouletteGuess restaurant-related words for each letter of the alphabet!
Time of crisis
Relier ColonnesYou must match the synonyms
Destination Vocabulary
Mots MêlésFind the words and get fun
Vocabulary 9
CompléterExpand your English vocabulary with these ten commonly used words and their meanings.
Cultural crossing vocabulary
Froggy JumpsHere you will find some vocabulary to express identity in a culture
Vocabulary Unit 7
Mots CroisésRead and complete the crosswords with the correct words. Compose words have no space.
Time of crisis
Mots CroisésIn this game you will relate vocabulary to some collocations
Mots MêlésThis is to review the spelling of descriptive adjectives