Phrasal verb
Froggy JumpsAdvanced phrasals
Phrasal verbs
Mots CroisésSome common phrasal verbs
Arts and culture
Mots MêlésArts vocabulary
Arts and media
Mots CroisésVocabulary about arts
Cleaning verbs
Mots CroisésVerbs related to clean
Mots MêlésSome houseworks
Geographical feature
Mots CroisésCrossword abput geographical features
Geographical features
Mots MêlésVocabulary about geographical features
Mots CroisésQuiz sobre hobbies
Foods Vocabulary
Mots MêlésBasic food vocabulary
Interac. meca, term y elec
CompléterInteracciones mecánicas, térmicas y eléctricas
Mots MêlésPesquise as palavras em português
Mots MêlésSearch for verbs in infinitive