Grammar Points A || Module 10
CompléterPRESENT PERFECT: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parentheses to complete the sentences using the present perfect tense.
Grammar Points A | Module 9
CompléterGap-Fill Exercise: First Conditional : Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parentheses to complete the first conditional sentences
Module 8 | Grammar Points
CompléterPracticing "Be Going To": Fill in the blanks with the correct form of "be going to" and the verb in parentheses. Pay attention to whether the sentence is a positive statement, negative statement, or q...
Module 6 Grammar Points
CompléterFill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parentheses using the present progressive tense.
Grammar Points A | Module 5
CompléterComplete with the simple past of the verb BE
Grammar Points A | Module 4
CompléterComplete with the Simple Past.
Key Expressions - Module 4
CompléterComplete with the correct words.
Grammar Stories Module 3
Video QuizRead and listen. Then, answer the questions
VOCABULARY: Employment
CompléterComplete the Exercise
based on the dialogue
Grammar Points B | Module 2
CompléterComplete with the correct words
Grammar Stories 2
CompléterComplete with the correct option
Grammar Points A | Module 2
CompléterComplete with the correct preposition
Grammar Points B | Module 1 A (part B)
CompléterComplete with the WH words and the verb be. Use the contractions when possible.
Grammar Points B Module 1 A
CompléterComplete with the possessive, verb BE and pronouns. Use the contraction forms.
Grammar Stories 1
Inglês salva-vidas | M1 Listen
Video QuizListen and practice
Fill in the blanks using the correct words from the box below. Each word can be used only once.
Practice the simple present tense of the verb 'to be' in English with this fill in the blanks game.
Fazendo Planos
Relier ColonnesCombine os conceitos com suas descrições correspondentes!
Complete as frases com os pronomes possessivos adequados, levando em conta a concordância de gênero e número.
Corpo humano
Carte InteractiveFaça a correspondência
CompléterComplete com a forma correspondente o adjetivo.
Auxiliary verbs - Simple Past
Complétercomplete with was, wasn't, were, weren't, did, didn't
Compléter-Complétez avec les verbes correspondants.
Phrasal Verbs
CompléterComplete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb.
Conjugação (Intermediário)
CompléterComplete os verbos com a conjugação correta no presente ou no passado, segundo o exercício.
Parts of the house
Carte InteractiveClick on the right part of the house
MÚSICA Você me encantou demais
CompléterComplete o exercícios com os verbos no Passado.
Conjugação de verbos - Convite
CompléterComplete o exercício com a conjugação dos verbos.
Pronomes Possessivos - Nível 1
CompléterComplete as frases com o pronome possessivo adequado
As partes do corpo
Carte InteractiveIdentifique as partes do corpo na imagem.
Song exercise - Pres. Perfect
CompléterComplete the song lyrics with the missing verbs in the Present Perfect tense.
Carte InteractiveMatch the clothing item to the word
Ditado - Números em Portugues
Video QuizTeste
Verbos irregulares em -ER
CompléterComplete as frases com as formas adequadas dos verbos terminados em -ER no Presente do Indicativo.
Os verbos SER e ESTAR
CompléterComplete as frases com o verbo SER ou ESTAR na forma adequada.
Class Expressions
Relier ColonnesMatch the expressions to the corresponding picture.
Choisissez la forme qui convient des verbes du troixième groupe.
Artigos Definidos Indefinidos
CompléterComplete as frases com artigos definidos ou indefinidos, quando necessário
O Presente do Indicativo
CompléterComplete com o verbo conjugado no presente do indicativo:
Les Possessifs
CompléterComplétez les phrases avec les possessifs correspondants:
La Conjugaison du Verbe Faire
CompléterConjuguez le verbe FAIRE au présent dans les phrases suivantes:
Les verbes réguliers en _ER
CompléterElle déteste les embouteillages. J'aime la pluie! Nous aimons la neige et l'hiver. Tu aimes les vacances? Vous détestez les films d'horreur? Il aime le Brésil. Nous habitons à Londre. J'habite ...
Les verbes Être et Avoir
CompléterCompletez les phrases avec la forme correspondante des verbes Être et Avoir au Présent Simple:
Carte InteractiveAssocie o nome do produto à sua imagem
Simple Past
CompléterComplete the sentences with the verbs in the simple past.