Family Members משפחה
Ordonner les LettresUnscramble the letters to form the words correctly.
Regions and Seas of Israel
Carte InteractiveLocate the listed region or sea correctly. Using Hebrew letters, fill in the boxes to label the map.
It's About Time
Froggy JumpsPractice telling time, using phrases for this year, next year, last year, and the same with months and weeks. Use relative time.
Locate Places on a Map
Carte InteractiveFind cities of Israel.
Pronouns Match
RelierMatch the Hebrew word to the correct English word.
Hebrew Numbers
Mots CroisésWords are given in English and the player must find the matching Hebrew word.
Numbers in Hebrew
Mots MêlésWith the English words in a list, find the Hebrew words in the puzzle.
Relier ColonnesMatch Hebrew names of colors to their English translation.