Features of a Review
Relier ColonnesThis activity will assess your knowledge about the features of a critical review.
TV shows
Video QuizDescribe the main characteristics of a tv show.
Mixed past tense
DictéeActivity to practice the different past tense in an experience.
Past continuous vs past simple
CompléterWe use past continuous and past simple when one action interrupts another.
Correct use of the verbs
CompléterThe text must be completed with the correct form of the verb.
Relier ColonnesPresentation of vocabulary for experiments
Framework of an experiment
Relier ColonnesParts of the framework to write about a science experiment.
Identify the main ideas
CompléterComplete the text to get the main ideas and some important details of the play.
Identify the general idea
CompléterComplete the missing words to get the general idea of the play.
Identifying the main ideas
Relier ColonnesIdentification of the main ideas of the Frankenstein text (part 1)
Analyzing news information
RelierPractice about parts of the news and strategies to analyze and contrast news information.
Suspense narrative texts
Relier ColonnesIdentification of the features of the suspense narrative texts.
Istrucciones antes, durante y después de una emergencia.
Natural disasters
Relier ColonnesVocabulario sobre desastres naturales.
Structure of the news
Relier ColonnesIdentification of the parts of the news