Mots CroisésLook at the meanings and write the correct word.
Greek influence in the world
Mots CroisésThe activity is going to permit us to evaluate the knolwdge of students for the class presented.
It Taste Sweet!
Mots CroisésThis activity permit us to identify the vocabulary that we are checking from the unit.
It Tastes Sweet!
Relier ColonnesThis activity permit us to identify the words from the vocabulary that we arfe learning.
Parts of the house.
Mots CroisésThis activity permits us to identify the parts of the house.
Home Cool Home!
Relier ColonnesThis activity permits us to identify the parts of the house.
Body parts!
Carte InteractiveThis app is going to help usto dentify the body parts.
Farmer Animals
Mots CroisésAnimals
Mots CroisésColors
Mots CroisésAnimals
School Objcets
Mots CroisésLook and write the words
School Objects
Mots MêlésLook and find the words.