Names of Jobs and Proffessions
Mots MêlésFind the names of jobs and professions.
Jobs & occupations
Mots CroisésFind the word according to it´s correct description.
Vocabulary 1- Water
Relier ColonnesMatch each word with it´s correct definition.
Vocabulary 2, U3. Recipe
CompléterWrite the correct words according to each question.
Matching chocolate.
Relier ColonnesMatch each word with it´s definition.
Everything about chocolate
CompléterWrite the correct word according to their definition.
Complete the definition
CompléterComplete the definition according to the vocabulary words from unit 2.
Vocabulary 1 History
Relier ColonnesMatch each word with it´s definition.
Sequence of events. Story
CompléterLook at the paragraph and complete the story using the connectors that specify the sequence of events.
Guess the equipment
Mots CroisésLook at each sports description, which equipment do you need to play it?
Equipment vocabulary 2
Mots MêlésFind the words that help us describe the equipment for extreme sports.
Present Perfect and sports
Relier ColonnesRead and match each sentence with it´s correct description.
Adverbs of emphasis
Mots MêlésThink of the adverbs to show emphasis. Find them in the puzzle below.
Complete the message
CompléterRemember the vocabulary words and complete the message.
Mots CroisésFind the words and their definitions.
Extreme sports
RelierRead and match the questions and asnwers.
simple past verbs
Mots MêlésFind some verbs that are written in simple past.
Simple past
CompléterLook at the sentences and write the verb that is missing in simple past.
Simple present
CompléterLook at the sentences and complete them using the present simple form of the verbs.
Mots MêlésThing of some adjectives you would use to describe a friend or classmate, then try to find some of those here.