Choose the word to complete the sentences.
Choose the word related to the description
Check if the sentence is formal or informal
Organize the words in the correct order.
Organize the order of the events
Match the words with their definitions
Organize the letters to see the correct word.
Match the words with their definition
Match the sentences with the correct superlative compound adjective
Organize the sentences in the correct way.
Choose the correct time expression to complete each sentence.
Match the pairs of opposites
Match the names with their definitions.
Check yes if the clauses can be reduced. Choose no, if they cannot be reduced.
Une con una línea la característica y el planeta que le corresponde.
Escribe en inglés la palabra que corresponda con la descripción.
Listen to the word and pick the drawing that represents it.
Une cada pregunta con la imagen que le corresponda.
Lee las pistas y llena el crossword.
Escucha la palabra en inglés y señala el dibujo que le corresponda.