Organic indicators
CompléterWe can find indicators in all kinds of spaces and moments, as well as each science has its type of indicators that are used to follow a certain research path
Causes of accidents in the lab
CompléterMost accidents in the organic chemistry laboratory are caused by improperhandling of hazardouschamicals
laboratory equipment
Devinettelaboratory materials, it is very important that they are manufactured with quality materials, because if they do not have this important element, it is very likely that their useful life will be very ...
cation words
Mots MêlésA cation is an ion with a positive electric charge, that is, it has lost electrons. The cations are described with a positive oxidation state. In chemical terms, it is when a neutral atom loses one ...
anion crossword
Mots CroisésAn anion is an ion with a negative electrical charge, that is, it has gained more electrons.
Spectroscopy in engineering
CompléterComplete the script with the following words according to spectroscopy in chemical engineering
Chemical laboratory equipment
DevinetteIdentify the hidden image in the game according to the equipment found in the laboratory
Chemical concepts
TestAnswer the following questions
Chemical elements crossword
Mots CroisésA chemical element is a type of matter made up of more than one atom.
Mots MêlésFind the given words in the word search, located in one of the possible directions horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.