Law and order. Find 10 words referred to crimes.
Mots CroisésVocabulary related to law and order. There are 7 words related to crimes.
Search 10 words referred to people. They are related to "Law and order".
Hair words
Mots CroisésWords related to hair
Using a computer
Mots CroisésVerbs used when talking about computers
Computer world
CompléterYou have to complete the sentences with verbs or nouns related to computers
First Conditional
CompléterComplete the gaps writing the verb in the appropriate form
Mots CroisésFind the containers
Mots CroisésActivity to revise materials
Environment verbs
TestFind the verbs related to the environment
A nightmare
DictéeDictation about "a nightmare"
Verbs of movement
Mots CroisésLook at the pictures and write verbs of movement. Some of them have got two words
Verb To Be (past)
CompléterComplete the sentences with the verb To be in the past
Jobs and professions
Mots CroisésFind the jobs and profesions.
Jobs and professions
Mots MêlésFind the words related to jobs (down, across and diagonally).
Regular and Irregular Verbs
RelierFind the present or infinitive, the past simple form or the regular verbs
Irregular Verbs
RelierClassify the verbs: infinitive/present, past form and past participle
On Mondays
Ordonner les MotsOrder the words to make a meaningful sentence
DictéeListen to the sentences and write the words
TV programmmes 2
Mots CroisésWrite the names of TV programmes
RelierMatch objects and places
Mots CroisésWrite the names of TV programmes
Revision of the presents.
CompléterWrite the appropriate form of the verb in the Present Simple or Continuous.
Present Simple and Continuous
CompléterComplete the sentences with the right form of Present Simple or Continuous
The weather
Mots CroisésWords related to the weather
The weather
Devinetteit's white and very cold. It doesn't usually happen in summer. Children like making balls with it.