Inflectional Endings y to i
CompléterComplete the word
Compound Words
Relier ColonnesMatch the pictures to its compound word
Mots CroisésSolve the crossword puzzle
Valentine's Day
DevinetteGuess the Riddle
Grammar Contractions
Mots CroisésFin the words for each contraction
CompléterComplete the sentence with the correct verb form
r controlled er, ir, ur
Relier ColonnesIdentify the words and match them correctly
Digraphs and Long O
Mots MêlésReview for Sp Exam
Reading Vocabulary
Relier ColonnesMatch the word with its correct definition
Grammar Nouns
Mots CroisésDecide wether it is a common or proper noun.
CompléterComplete the sentences, using a prefix
Spelling Project
Mots MêlésLong a and Long e Vocabulary
Fill in the blank
CompléterComplete the word
Relier ColonnesPlay memory with suffixes
Mots MêlésComplete the prepositions
Mots CroisésSuffixes